Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Reactions From Magazine Ideas

First of all, the demographic of my target audience needs to be higher if I am to do my double page spread on the winter shoot, in natural settings. This is because it's unconventional for a high street magazine aimed at a young audience to do this; and so I would also increase my target audience range to an older audience, 17-30, for example. A problem with this is, however, is that there may not be a market for this audience in the real media and so I will need to carry out more research.
Another option would be to not do a shoot in natural settings and choose somewhere more urban; for example a winter shoot in the city. Also if I wanted to still include some country features I could combine the two, 'A City Girl Goes Country' ?

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The Article

Advertorials are quite conventional for high-street fashion magazines; an article written which within it advertises a new product. Because I am producing a magazine in-between intertexts such as Vogue and Ok I think it would be good to include some type of celebrity gossip- because this is conventional- and so I could link this to a product a celebrity is using (e.g. a beauty product). This is an effective means of advertising for the product's company as the celebrity will act as a role model, attracting many other audience's to use it, and so following their lead.
Example of an advertorial:

Double Page Spread

As I am creating a fashion magazine I will do my double page spread on a fashion shoot. It's conventional for high street fashion magazines to not necessarily feature the clothes always on a model but on their own, for example from Look magazine:

On the other hand, Look magazine also include double page spreads featuring the models styling the clothes and using the setting around them to make it look professional and up-market as if from Vogue:

Because I don't have the time and the team to create high profile pictures like the images above I want to design a page more like the ones below. This also shows that I am fully following the conventions of my magazine's genre and overall makes it appear more interesting because there's plenty more for the audience to look at: 

Monday, 10 September 2012

Contents Page

The contents page is also important in terms of attracting the audience, it needs to look professional and modern, as well as interesting the audience in what the magazine has to offer. Some examples of high street fashion magazines' contents pages:

I like the appearance of Look's contents page as it makes high street fashion appear more up-market and therefore will attract the audience.

Front Cover

As I've decided my fashion magazine's genre will be high street fashion I'm going to follow the conventions of magazines such as More!, Look and Glamour. So first my front cover needs to be quite busy with text advertising what's featured inside the magazine for example:

The layout of this text is really important in terms of attracting the audience because it can appear too messy and therefore unreadable.

Further decisions to be made...