Tuesday 3 July 2012

High-Street Fashion Magazine Intertexts

 More magazine is aimed at younger women and teenagers, an audience aged 16-25, which is the age bracket I'm targeting my magazine on. It features lower budget high street fashion suggesting the audience is lower to middle class. The models on the cover are always celebrities which make the audience want the magazine because of the article about them inside.

Glamour magazine is very conventional is terms of how it represents women, the colours are very feminine and the copy shows how the magazine features articles on fashion, beauty and dieting (all stereotypical representations of females). The models on this magazine are also always famous, they are mostly shown in a relaxed and fun way which suggests it's targeted at again lower to middle class.

Decisions Made

I've decided that my original idea of doing a natural history magazine is too hard to base my essay on and so I've decided to do a female high street fashion magazine. My target audience will be females aged 16-25, low to medium demographic, meaning middle to lower class.
My research essay question is 'Exploring the Representation of Females in Fashion Magazines'.
The magazine will consist of a front page cover, a double page spread, an article and a contents page (not essential- might decide on an alternative).